2006-06-02 • The pools are composed in accordance to the FIH Worldranking. The numbers behind the names of the countries are the actual ranking positions:

Australia (1)Netherlands (2)
Spain (4)Germany (3)
Pakistan (5)India (6)
Argentina (8)Korea (7)
New Zealand (9)South Africa (10)
Japan (14)England (11)

Unfortunately the FIH hasn't yet released the match schedule. We will start the advanced sail over ticket online immediately after the release of the match schedule.


02.06.2006 • De groepen werden ingedeeld naar het Worldranking van de FIH. De aantallen achter de namen van de landen zijn de daadwerkelijke rangschikken posities:

Australië (1)Nederland (2)
Spanje (4)Duitsland (3)
Pakistaan (5)Indië (6)
Argentinië (8)Corea (7)
Nieuw Zeeland (9)Zuid-Africa (10)
Japan (14)Engeland (11)

Spijtig genoeg is het spelplan nog niet vrijgegeven door de FIH zo dat ook wij er nog steeds op wachten. Zodra het spelplan vrijgegeven is, zullen wij met de voorverkoop van de dagtikets beginnen via ticketonline.



» Germany remains World Champion

» Day 10: England gets rank 5

» A day at the LIVE ticker

» Schuttle-Service and bicycles

» "The atmosphere is electric ..."

» Sidhu, from India, prays ...

» The Oranjehuis

» Day 9: Australia and Germany ...

» Germany wins Masters 45

» FIH Youth Panel Meeting

» Day 8: No surprises ...

» WorldHockey player of the year

» Day 7: 2 Tickets for 3 Teams

» Help the DKMS - send greetings ...

» Hockey even on the rest day

» Day 6: Coach Vigil has tears ...

» Day 5: Still all is open

» How to get to the HockeyPark?

» Report school-hockey 2nd day

» Day 4: Sold off stadium

» Report school-hockey 1st day

» Day 3: 8 goals and 3 penalty strokes ...

» School Teams allready arrived

» Day 2: Spain beats Australia

» Day 1: Exciting opening of the WC

» Boy's choir of the Chorakademie

» Training in the HockeyPark

» FIH World Cup Coaching Conference

» Participants parants hockey

» Participants school hockey

» Security Checks

» Change of an umpire

» 100 season tickets ...

» Who becomes champion?

» Mini-World-Cup-Dress-Rehearsal

» Sport-Medical symposium

» The WC Programme is ready

» WC History

» Barry Dancer: "I'm totally ..."

» The world is looking on MG

• Teil 1   » Teil 2 • 2006 © Deutscher Hockey-Bund e.V. | gamma software gmbh • Impressum • 20.10.2024

Hockey WM 2006

hoc@key Club